11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
Heidelberg, 19-23 July 2010
Local Organising Committee (LOC) and International Advisory Committee (IAC)
Local Organising Committee
The LOC has the following members:
- Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo (GSI, Darmstadt; chair)
- Klaus Blaum (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg; co-chair)
- Norbert Christlieb (University of Heidelberg; co-chair)
- Roland Diehl (Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching)
- Michael Heil (GSI, Darmstadt)
- Jens Volker Kratz (University of Mainz)
- Peter von Neumann-Cosel (Technical University Darmstadt)
- Ulrich Ott (Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Mainz)
- Rene Reifarth (GSI, Darmstadt)
- Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich (University of Heidelberg)
- Christoph Scheidenberger (University of Giessen)
- Kerstin Sonnabend (Technical University Darmstadt)
- Horst Stöcker (GSI, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, and University of Frankfurt)
- Friedrich-Karl Thielemann (University of Basel).
International Advisory Committee
The scientific program of NIC XI was created with the help of the IAC,
which consists of the following scientists:
- Juha Äystö (Jyvaskyla)
- Beatriz Barbuy (Sao Paulo)
- Maurizio Busso (Perugia)
- John Cowan (Oklahoma)
- Brian Fields (Urbana-Champaign)
- Stephane Goriely (Brussels)
- Wolfgang Hillebrandt (Garching)
- Inese Ivans (Salt Lake City)
- Franz Käppeler (Karlsruhe)
- Shigeru Kubono (Tokyo)
- Karlheinz Langanke (Darmstadt)
- John Lattanzio (Monash)
- Jim Lattimer (Stony Brook)
- Weiping Liu (Beijing)
- Anthony Mezzacappa (Oak Ridge)
- Ken'ichi Nomoto (Tokyo)
- Karsten Riisager (Aarhus)
- Claus Rolfs (Bochum)
- Sean Ryan (Hertfordshire)
- Hendrik Schatz (East Lansing)
- Michael Wiescher (Notre Dame)
- Stan Woosley (Santa Cruz)
- Ernst Zinner (St. Louis).
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