Student Observing at the Waltz-Teleskop of the Landessternwarte

Spektroskopische Beobachtungen am Teleskop

MVSpec, 1 CP

Privatdozentin Dr. Sabine Reffert


A new high-resolution spectrograph has been installed at the 72cm Waltz Telescope of the Landessternwarte, which will serve two purposes:

  1. Science: Discovery of extrasolar planets via Doppler monitoring
  2. Student Education: Providing students with the possibility to carry out spectroscopic observations
The two purposes will be combined, meaning that students get to carry out the observations that will be used for science.

We will start each night a few hours before dusk, and continue until midnight (so that it is possible to catch the last bus down the mountain, or we will arrange car pooling). It is planned that each student observes for three nights during the semester.

Since bad weather will prohibit observing quite often and especially in winter, the observing dates have to be kept flexible. I will email a few days in advance if the weather looks promising for observing. We will fix the dates then on a case-by-case basis.

Further information will go out to registered students only; please sign up via email if you want to participate.
Participation limited to 15 students per semester.



Priv.-Doz. Dr. Sabine Reffert
ZAH - Landessternwarte
Königstuhl 12
69117 Heidelberg

Tel: 06221-541713
