Masterpflichtseminar MVSem
'Extrasolar Planets'
PD Dr. Sabine Reffert
Summer Term 2019
Time: Fridays, 9:15 - 10:45 a.m.
Location: R070, Philosophenweg 12
First Meeting: April 26, 2019
Registration Required! Please sign up either via email or via the
Übungsgruppenverwaltungssystem prior to the first meeting.
Seminar Plan
- Apr 26, 2019: Introduction, Literature, Assignment of Topics and Dates
- 6 Credit Points, for regular attendance, oral presentation and written report
- Grades are given for talk (50%) and written report (50%)
- Written reports are due tbd.
Tips for Talks
- pre-requiste: read and understand the material very well; if necessary, read
additional background material
- think about the key points which you want to deliver, and how to best convey them
- basic elements: introduction (okay to briefly go back to the very basics), main
part of the talk explaining the key points, and the conclusions, summing everything
up and discussing it
- presentation style: big fonts, high contrast, no typos or grammatical errors
- plots: clear axis labels, description of symbols, reference
- not too many slides (rule of thumb: 1.5-2 minutes per slide), total time
roughly half an hour
- grades will be given for
- presentation content and structure (logical)
- slides
- style of presentation
and in particular how well everything together achieves the goal of conveying
the important information
Tips for Reports
- pre-requisite: read and understand the material very well; if necessary, read
additional background material. For the report especially it helps to know a little
bit more background than just what you write about
- most important: the way the report is written. Everything should be logically
connected, making it easy for readers to follow your train of thought.
- at the end, in a concluding section, you should place the current results into context,
so that one can assess their significance
- crucial: level of detail - not too much and not too little
- correct use of scientific terms
- explain figures in caption and text
- check for grammar and spelling errors
- reference list at the end; in the text, references should appear e.g. as 'Ortiz et al. 2015'
- rule of thumb: ten pages of text
- electronic versions okay; please email pdf
- please stick to the deadline!