Bachelor-, Masterarbeiten & Projektpraktika -
Bachelor and Master thesis, physics practicals

Master thesis - Masterarbeiten

The lensing galaxy of the triply lensed QSO APM 08279+5255: The QSO APM 08279+5255 at z = 3.91 is one of the brightest QSOs on the sky. This is mostly due to the fact that the QSO is lensed with an amplification factor of up to 100 depending on the model assumed. The largest uncertainty comes from the mass, shape and location of the lensing galaxy, which has not ben detected yet, but which should be somewhere between z = 1 and 3. To detect and to characterize the lensing galaxy, very deep U-band images were recently taken of this system with the prime focus cameras LBC at the Large Binocular Telescope. The U-band observations trace intrinsically the wavelength range bluewards of the Lyman-break at 912 Angstroem of the QSO, where basically very little light if at all should be expected from the QSO itself. This optimizes the chance to detect and to characterize the lensing galaxy. At the same time, a deep spectrum of the QSO was taken with MODS at the same telescope, which can be used to estimate the light in the Gunn-Petersen trough bluewards of the Lyman-break. In this master thesis, the LBC data shall be reduced and the lensing galaxy be detected and characterized. The MODS-spectra shall be used to correct the flux of the lensing galaxy for the Gunn-Petersen trough. Finally, based on the newly characterized lensing galaxy a refined lensing model for the system shall be developed.

Bachelor thesis - Bachelorarbeiten

None at the moment, but sometimes a project emerges on a short notice. In case you are interested, just drop me an E-mail.

Physics practicals - Projektpraktika

Transit and radial velocity measurements of stars hosting extrasolar planets: Transit and radial velocity measurements of stars hosting extrasolar planets allow to derive the radius and mass and hence the density of a planet orbiting its host star. This measurement combined with orbital parameters allows to place this object into the "zoo" of extrasolar planets aka short- vs long-period ones and rocky vs icy planets. For the preparation of a new task for the astrolab, a newly developed tool called "Exo-striker" shall be explored using archival data and its use for the astrolab been tested. Good knowledge of python is required. This project can potentially be combined with a Bachelor thesis.
Interessiert? Falls ja, einfach eine E-Mail schicken oder anrufen. Tel: 06221-541704
Interested? If yes, please drop me an E-Mail or call at: 06221-541704

Maintained by Jochen Heidt
Last modified: 7. 1. 2025