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Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium

The Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium takes place on Tuesdays at 17:15 in the large auditorium of the Physikalisches Institut at Philosophenweg 12. The colloquium is organized jointly by the five astronomical institutes in Heidelberg, namely Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), Institut für theoretische Astrophysik (ITA), Landessternwarte (LSW), Max-Planck Institute für Astronomie (MPIA), and Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik (MPI-K). Some of the talks are organized together with the particle physicists at the University of Heidelberg. These talks are marked by a yellow background in the program below.

Program of the summer term 2010:

Date Speaker Affiliation Title Host
20 April 2010 Stefan Schael RWTH Aachen The search for dark matter with AMS on the ISS (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Jordan/ARI
27 April 2010 Ansgar Reiners University of Göttingen Rotation and activity in cool stars (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Quirrenbach/LSW
04 May 2010 Eva Schinnerer MPIA Heidelberg The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) (podcast)
11 May 2010 David Southwood ESA ESA's cosmic vision (abstract) (podcast) Krautter/LSW
18 May 2010 Guy Perrin Observatoire de Paris/LESIA Understanding the fate of stars: imaging the surface of red giants and supergiants (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Pott/MPIA
25 May 2010 Giovanna Tinetti University College London Exploring extrasolar worlds: from gas giants to terrestrial habitable planets (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Afonso/MPIA
01 June 2010 Timothy Beers Michigan State University and ZAH The metallicity distribution function(s) of halo stars as revealed by SDSS/SEGUE (abstract) (podcast) Christlieb/LSW
08 June 2010 Lister Stavely-Smith University of Western Australia Supernova remnant 1987A after 23 years (abstract) (podcast) Kirk/MPI-K
15 June 2010 Dieter Lutz MPE, Garching First results from the Herschel deep extragalactic surveys (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Klaas/MPIA
22 June 2010 Zeljko Ivezic University of Washington, Seattle Reaching for the sky with SDSS and LSST (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Beers/LSW
29 June 2010 Zoë Leinhardt Cambridge Forming protoplanets from planetesimals (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Klahr/MPIA
06 July 2010 Rainer Schödel Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada Continually evolving: our understanding of the Galactic center (abstract) (slides/.pdf) (podcast) Pott/MPIA
13 July 2010 Gary Zank University of Alabama in Huntsville The interaction of the Solar and stellar winds with the interstellar medium (abstract) Reville/MPI-K
20 July 2010 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI)

Winter term 2009/10

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