FEROS Spectroscopic Database at the LSW Heidelberg

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The search-term syntax is a target name. e.g. R81

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Note: The Commissioning data are publicly available

All spectra obtained during the two commissioning periods of FEROS are public. They are available as raw or standard reduced (i.e., standard/optimum extracted, flatfielded, wavelength calibrated, and merged) spectra.

The standard reduced spectra are on-line and can be retrieved directly from the result page of a search.

People interested in working with the raw data should send a request via email with a list of the respective filenames (as produced by this database).

The FEROS Commissioning Data may be used for publications if credit is given to the FEROS Consortium and to the European Southern Observatory. As reference the following paper should be cited:

Kaufer A., Stahl O., Tubbesing S., Noerregaard P., Avila G., Francois P., Pasquini L., Pizzella A., 1999, Commissioning FEROS, the new high-resolution spectrograph at La Silla, The ESO Messenger 95, in press. (Preprint version, gzipped Postscript-Format 1 Mb)

The Guaranteed Time data are available for FEROS Consortium members

The standard reduced spectra are on-line and can be retrieved directly from the result page of a search. The access is restricted to members of the FEROS Consortium. Therefore, a username and a password is required to download the reduced data.

Second Guaranteed Time Run

As of August 26, 1999, the reduced data from the second guaranteed time period (July/Aug. 1999) are now also on-line.

The list of objects observed in this period is available here. You can also download a brief log file of this run.

If you have any comments on the FEROS database, please send me a mail .

FEROS data base / akaufer@eso.org
Last modified: Fri Jan 26 12:31:55 MET 2001

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